
Frequently Asked Questions


Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from your side regarding our product plans, services and solutions here.

Planning Electrical Layout, Through meticulous planning, these designers create detailed layouts for all power lines, power distribution components, grid plans, fitting specs, and other important elements. These layouts can help them visualize their system to make performing calculations easier.
Preparation of superior quality construction documents for Electrical design of buildings including drawings, specifications, and reports. Develop equipment and device layouts, circuiting, one-line diagrams and specifications.

Architectural wiring diagrams show the approximate locations and interconnections of receptacles, lighting, and permanent electrical services in a building. Interconnecting wire routes may be shown approximately, where particular receptacles or fixtures must be on a common circuit.

  • To the mention minimum length & get maximum utility arrangement facility required location .
  • We know that, the iron used maximum compare the previous work pattern system in building& others
  • Electrical Electron & proton best for create the charge path supporting role play the close circuited. They path , when implementation the very harmful for human & environment.

One of the biggest concerns for electric vehicle (EV) owners is knowing when and how to charge their vehicle. It makes sense: The average American has spent their life driving around in gas-powered cars, filling up at one of the hundreds of thousands of gas stations as the gauge creeps towards empty. Charging one’s EV takes a little more planning, but with the growing demand and incentives for alternatives to gas-powered cars, Level 2 public EV charging stations are becoming a more common sight.

Both electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles require an EV charger to keep the battery full, just like any chargeable device or electronic. 

Green Building reduces Operational costs, enhances Building marketability, Increases worker productivity, Improves Indoor Environment Quality, and Reduces potential liability resulting from Indoor Air Quality problems.